Speed up your site with EWWW Image Optimizer Lifetime
Frustrated by a slow website? We’ll help you tame those speed demons so you can keep visitors coming back for more!
Premium image compression.
Compress API
Automatically compress new uploads, save storage space with the best compression/quality ratios. Control which resizes to generate/optimize. 30 day backup of originals. Reduce server usage.
Fully automated one-click solution: auto-scale, auto-WebP, Auto-compress. Deliver optimized images to your visitors without altering the originals. Automatic JS/CSS compression eliminates excess whitespace for efficient delivery.
SWIS Performance
Page caching for faster site response times. Defer JS/CSS assets for a better user experience. Control which scripts and stylesheets load per page to reduce overhead and eliminate unused assets.
EWWW Image Optimizer Lifetime Official website: ewww.io
EWWW Image Optimizer Lifetime Official price:
Installation: To get everything installed and set up we will need admin access to your site for one time only (you can change your password and then change it back again after I have finished setting everything up for you).
Delivery: Everything will be installed within 24 hours of you making payment.
Refund Policy: Strictly NO refunds will be available once I have installed the plugins on your server unless you can show that I have not provided you with a genuine purchased license(s).
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